Posted by: admin-macs on August 22, 23 in Uncategorized

Dough Proofing is an important step in Industrial bread production. Proofing is a part of the bread-making process where the yeast in the dough is activated. During fermentation, the yeast cells in leavened doughs (such as bread dough or pasta dough) consume carbohydrates and expel the carbon dioxide gas that causes the dough to expand or rise.

The Macadams Provers are well-designed equipment that allows for the process of proofing to be carried out within a short time through the understanding of the temperature and humidity of both dough and the machine. Set to the right temperature, fermentation occurs in the proofer and dough rises to the right level for baking without leaving any space in the dough.

It is most important to note that during proofing the dough should neither be overproofed (where it is proofed up so much that it eventually collapses, causing the layers to separate) or underproofed. The proofer operation relies on several factors to successfully provide the intended effect on the dough. Inside the prover, the dough is expected to expand several times its initial size, develop flavors and aromas, and ultimately deliver a product that properly expands and sets its porous structure in the oven.